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Writing a sponsorship deck

Updated: Mar 22, 2023

When writing a sponsorship deck to seek funding from Bermuda-based companies, it's important to keep in mind the local culture, values, and business practices. Below are some steps to follow when writing a sponsorship deck to secure funding from Bermuda-based companies:

  1. Research potential sponsors:Find Bermuda businesses who share the goals, objectives, and target market of your occasion or organization. Find sponsors who have previously contributed to events or causes that are comparable to yours.

  2. Determine sponsorship levels: Provide a variety of sponsorship tiers with varying rewards and visibility options, such as logo placement, naming rights, and social media mentions.

  3. Develop a sponsorship proposal: Write a proposal that describes your event or organization's purpose, objectives, and intended audience. Give extensive information regarding the sponsorship levels and the accompanying advantages for each level.

  4. Highlight the benefits for sponsors: Specify how the sponsorship will benefit the sponsor, such as by raising brand exposure, reaching a specific target group, or demonstrating corporate social responsibility. It is also crucial to evaluate how sponsoring your event or organization can assist the sponsor to interact with the local community and support projects based in Bermuda.

  5. Customize your approach: Customize your sponsorship deck for each potential sponsor by addressing them by name and addressing their individual interests and objectives. Consider providing information about the sponsor's past community involvement and how your event or organization connects with the sponsor's business values.

  6. Include visuals: Utilize images, films, or graphics to showcase your event or group and the advantages of sponsoring. Provide any graphics or photographs that illustrate your past successful events or campaigns.

  7. Be clear about expectations: Specify what is anticipated of sponsors in terms of monetary or in-kind donations, as well as the event or organization's timeframe. It is essential to include information regarding the recognition and perks provided by each sponsorship level.

  8. Include contact information: Provide clear contact information for the person responsible for sponsorship inquiries and follow-up. Consider including information about your organization's location and how to get involved beyond sponsorship.

  9. Proofread and edit: Make sure to proofread and edit your sponsorship deck to ensure it is professional, error-free, and easy to read. It is also important to ensure that the tone of the sponsorship deck aligns with the local culture and values.

  10. Follow up: Follow up with potential sponsors after giving them your sponsorship card to answer any questions and measure their interest in supporting your event or group. Remember to thank them for their time and thoughtfulness, and consider suggesting a meeting to discuss sponsorship prospects in greater detail.

By following these steps, you can create a comprehensive and effective sponsorship deck that will help secure support from Bermuda-based companies for your event or organization.

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